Welcome to Bellanova Frequency

My name is Crystal and I am an Full Spectrum empath that created a process to offer truly custom energy attunement for each session we engage in. 

A full spectrum empathic energy healer is an individual with a unique and holistic approach to healing, blending psychic mediumship and energy intuitive skills to provide personalized energy attunements.

An energy intuitive is deeply attuned to the emotional, mental, and spiritual energies of their clients, creating a safe and loving space for the transformative process.

As a psychic medium, I possess the ability to connect with and interpret energies beyond the physical realm. I may receive insights, messages, or guidance from higher realms, helping my clients gain a deeper understanding of their own spiritual journey.

This aspect of my practice allows for a more comprehensive and insightful healing experience. My energy intuitive skills enable me to perceive and understand the subtle energy fields within and around the individual.

By tuning into these energies, I can identify blockages, imbalances, or areas of stagnation that may be affecting the client's well-being. This intuitive awareness allows for a highly customized approach to energy healing.

During a session, I create a sacred and nurturing environment and utilize various healing modalities, such as Reiki, crystal therapy, sound healing, or other energy-balancing techniques, tailored to the specific needs of the individual.

The goal is to facilitate the release of negative energy, promote the flow of positive energy, and restore balance to the client's overall energy system.

The healing process is guided by a deep sense of empathy and compassion, as I attune to the emotions and experiences of the client. This empathic connection helps me to connect to their unique journey and challenges of the individual, fostering a more profound and transformative healing experience.

In summary, a full spectrum empathic energy healer combines psychic mediumship, energy intuition, and various energy healing modalities to offer personalized and customized energy attunements. Their practice is grounded in a loving and safe space, allowing clients to embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and spiritual growth.